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Commentaires - Essai 4Stroke Rumen: Dream car . 1

Patrick Garcia

Essai 4Stroke Rumen: Dream car . 1

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 J'adore le style rétro !!!!

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j'aurai bien vu une lunette arrière en forme de coeur... ... c'est mon côté romantique...

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Antonov Unveils First Two Speed Supercharger

Text & Photos courtesy Antonov plc


Worlds first enters series production

The world’s first two speed supercharger drive system to enter series production will be demonstrated by Antonov, the automotive technology company, at the Engine Expo exhibition at Stuttgart in Germany next week.  The following week, the racing driver Peter Kox will demonstrate the technology at the Zandvoort race circuit in the Netherlands.


And see the results:





Antonov has given on the 16th and 17th may 2006 a demonstration with a Ford Mustang and a Chevrolet 1.8 ltr. Both cars where build with a combined Rotrex/Antonov AMM 2-speed step up supercharger.


On the URL above all movies who are made at race circuit Zandvoort (The Netherlands) concerning the driving performance off both cars.




Then folder “foto & film Galerie”

Then folder “AVA 2006”


And more:

http://www.antonovforum.com  (discussions about the Antonov technology)

http://members.lycos.nl/magpie69/Antonovpatents.htm (About all the Antanov patents and historie of the Antonov company and much more information).

The Antonov Lambourghini:



To see this supurb Antonov supercharger in action goto: Good movie's with big sound' s.



Also a lot of detailed pictures of this combined Rotrex/Antonov supercharger with the Antonov AMM 2-speed set up module.

In 31 oktober 2006 it will be demomstrated at the SEMA show in Las Vegas. Very good movie!!!! http://www.nmratv.com/index.php?stream=http://www.streetlegaltv.com/video/sema/fri-sema-w2w.flv&playlist=1

There is also a http://www.AntonovForum.com

Here we have all kind of discussions about this Antonov technology.

http://members.lycos.nl/magpie69/Antonovpatents.htm (About all the Antanov patents and historie of the Antonov company and much more information).

The Antonov Lambourghini:



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J'étais également à cette journée de présentation, retrouvez mes photos ici : http://djnasty.free.fr/evenements/presentation_rumen/index.htm

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